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" This first'e stock was full of righteousnesse
True of his word, sober, pitous and free
Clean of his ghost, and loved businesse
Against the vice of sloth, in honest ee"
" Honour * * * * old virtues, conformable unto
times before you, which are the noblest armoury.''
— Sir Thomas Browne.
■ ■■ - ■•-
In the New Jersey of a hundred years ago,
one family of Suttons was so numerous, that, in
the writer's opinion, to bear the name and to
derive ancestry from the State is almost proof of
membership in it. They were, for the most part,
farmers and artisans, attached to the Baptist or
Presbyterian creeds, and located chiefly in the
northern half of the State — the East Jersey of
colonial times. The townships of Piscataway
in Middlesex, Tewkesbury in Hunterdon, and
especially Bernard in Somerset, with the village
of Basking Ridge, may be mentioned as particular
family centers. The name is comparatively rare
in New Jersey to-day, as the later generations have
scattered in all directions. Canada has its repre-
sentatives, and there is probably not a State in
the Union but has been planted with shoots from
this old New England stock.
The first of the family of whom we have record
was William Sutton, who appears in Massa-
chusetts in 1666, at Eastham on Cape Cod. As
the stream of Puritan immigration had almost
dried up twenty years before this date,* it is
extremely probable that he represents the second
generation in New England. Their proximity
suggests a relationship to one or the other of two
families of Suttons, respectively, of Hinghamf *~ #aaI»^.c»##
and Scituate, X small towns of j|old_ Plymouth
Colony directly across the bay from Eastham.
Careful investigation, however, has failed as
yet to establish a connection with either, or to
suggest any other line of research. Our history
opens, therefore, at Eastham, on the eleventh of
July, 1666, with the marriage of William Sutton,
yeoman (aged probably twenty -five years), of
* See Bancroft's " History of the United States," vol. i., page 468.
t John Sutton, who settled in Hingham, came from Attleborough, in
Norfolkshire, arriving in the ship Diligent in 1638, with his wife Julien,
a son John, and three other children. He also lived irLRehoboth. He died
pTirowtly, nhiiinrtuijji ; his wife in iHte^Trom " Vital Records of Rehoboth""
the present writer infers that among his children were three, named Esther,
Anne, and Margaret. g
s*~~~ — — ~" ~ — "*■ — ^^* /£3th
X George Sutton, of Scituate, arrived in i&/W He had a brother Simon,
of Scituate, of whom nothing further is known. George married Sarah
Tilden, and had children (according to Savage), John, Lydia, Sarah, and
f ■«
i v#
either English birth or descent, to Damaris,
daughter of Alice and Richard Bishop.* East-
ham, originally called Nausett, after the name of
a local Indian tribe, was at this date a settlement
of some twenty years' standing, and numbered
some four or five dozen souls — a tiny outpost of
English life and civilization, planted upon the
"narrow neck of land" between the bleak bay
and the bleaker Atlantic. It was in this very year
of 1666 that tidings began to spread through New
England of the founding of another colony down
in the southwest, between the great North f and
South Rivers, where settlers were welcome, the
Indians friendly, the soil and climate excel-
lent, and civil and religious liberty guaranteed.
Many people from all parts of the land of the
Puritans migrated to this new country of "the
Jerseys;" and about the year 1672 William
Sutton also removed, and became a landholder
under Berkeley and Carteret. As Cape Cod was
one of the few districts in New England where
Quakerism gained a footing, and as William
* Richard Bishop is noted as a soldier of the colony, in the " Genealogical
Register of New England," vol. iv., page 255, second column. When William
Sutton removed to New Jersey, Bishop sold his property at Duxbury. Mass.,
and came to live with him.
t The Hudson and the Delaware.
Sutton in his New Jersey home was an influential
Quaker, it is very probable that matters of re-
ligious belief had much to do with his departure
from Eastham. In the year 1666 a "plantation"
of some forty thousand acres was laid out upon
the banks of the Raritan, within the bounds of
the present Middlesex County, and not far from
the spot where a few years later New Brunswick
was founded. Its possession was confirmed not
only by the white man' s title, but by deed from
Canackawack and Thingorawis, chiefs of the
Naraticong Indians, who were a branch of the
Lenni Lenape. As the settlers were mostly from
those parts of New Hampshire and Maine which
border the Piscataqua River, they called it Pisca-
taqua or Piscataway, in memory of their old
home. Here William Sutton pitched his tent,
and prospered ; for, thanks to fair dealings with
the Indians, the wolves and the forest were the
only enemies. In 1682, when the town and
township numbered some four hundred souls, he
was owner of two hundred and forty-nine acres of
land, burdened only by the nominal quit-rent of
one-half penny per acre annually. Small items
of his life, grave or humorous, we glean from the
records of more than two centuries ago. A
Quaker, he was a pillar of the congregation that
met in the neighboring town of Woodbridge. We
see him a person of some honor in the little com-
munity : chosen freeholder at one time, constable
at another, town-clerk at another, and we find
that, with advancing years, his services were de-
sired upon boards of church discipline and inquiry.
It is recorded that he contributed "a year old
steer" toward the proposed erection of the
Friends' Meeting House at Woodbridge — a dona-
tion that seems to have been a thorn in the flesh
of the finance committee. For two years they
were unable to convert the animal into cash, and
were obliged to board it during three winters at
exorbitant rates, varying from six to eight and
one-half shillings per winter. The growth of
sons to man's estate and matrimony, is marked
in the records by such entries as this :
" William Sutton hath, in consideration of fatherly love and
affection, given and granted to Daniel Sutton, his son, 75 acres
of land."
Finally, in 1713, William is spoken of as an
aged man, and we hear of him no more. Doubt-
less another year or two brought the end of his
homely and laborious life, and rest in the little
Quaker Churchyard at Woodbridge.
Damaris Bishop, first wife of William Sutton,
died in Piscataway, February 6, 1682-3. He mar-
ried, in that town, Jane Barnes, January 9, 1684-5.
i Alice2, b. in Eastham, Mass., May 13, 1668.
2 Thomas2, b. in Eastham, Mass., Nov. 11, 1669.
3 Mary2, b. in Eastham, Mass., Oct. 4, 167 1 ; m.,
Dec. 23, 1689, Daniel McDaniel.
4 John2, b. in Piscataway, N. J., April 20, 1674.
5 Judah2, b. in Piscataway, N. J., Jan. 24, 1674-5.
6 Richard2, b. in Piscataway, N. J., July 18, 1676.
7 Joseph2, b. in Piscataway, N. J., June 27, 1678 ;
d. Dec. 19, 1682.
8 Benjamin2, b. in Piscataway, N. J., Feb. 24,
1679-80; d. Dec. 22, 1682.
9 Daniel2, b. in Piscataway, N. J., Feb. 25, 1681-2.
io Joseph2, b. in Piscataway, N. J., Sept. n, 1693.
THOMAS2 (William1)
Lived at Piscataway. Married, April, 1693,
Mary Adams of Woodbridge.
i Joseph3, b. about 1694.
2 Rachel3, b. March 27, 1695.
3 Benjamin3, b. Jan. 19, 1696-7.
O 1 3
' j-b. March 16, 1698-9 (twins).
5 Hannah , )
6 Nathaniel3, b. May 23, 1701.
7 Thomas3, b. about 1705.
JOHN2 (William1)
Married, about 1695, Elizabeth . Re-
moving from Piscataway, he settled at Passaic
Valley, in Morris County, N. J., four to five miles
from Basking Ridge, in Somerset County. He
bought land at Harrison's Neck, N. J., November
11, 1741, and sold Piscataway lands, December 31,
1741. His will (dated December 17, 1746) was
probated December 20, 1750; so he must have
died that year, aged seventy-six. The will men-
tions all his children excepting Sarah. His wife
Elizabeth died (according to her gravestone in the
Baptist Churchyard at Stelton, Piscataway), May
10, 1731, aged fifty-two years.
i Moses3, b. Feb. 2, 1696-7.
2 Aaron3, b. July 2, 1699 ; married, and died be-
fore 1746.
3 John3, b. Sept. 19, 1701.
4 David', b. July 31, 1703.
5 Sarah3, b. July 21, 1706.
6 James3, b. May 9, 1709.
7 Jesse3, b. July 6, 17 11.
8 Mary8, b. Aug. 15, 17 17.
9 Ephraim 3, b. Dec. 7, 17 19.
JUDAH8 (William1)
Lived at Piscataway. Married, May 6, 1698,
Emma Canter. (This name may be Carter or
Cauter. )
i Emma 3, b. March 9, 1698-9; m. Hugh Dunn, Jr.,
June 19, 1720.
2 Damaris 3, b. Dec. 18, 1700.
3 Patience 3, b. Jan. 27, 1702-3.
4 William3, b. Jan. 4, 1706-7.
5 Mary3, b. July 3, 1709.
6 Sarah3, b. Feb. 28, 17 11.
7 Elizabeth3, b. Oct. 3, 17 13.
8 Anne3, b. June 25, 1714.
9 Joseph3, b. Dec. 6, 1716.
10 Rachel3, b. May 28, 1719.
11 Benjamin^, b. April 13, 1722.
RICHARD2 (William1)
Lived in Piscataway. Married Sarah, daughter
of Vincent Rognon (the Huguenot founder of the
Runyon family), and Anne Boutcher, an English
woman, his wife, January 25, 1702. Richard
died in 1732, and his widow in 1736 married
James Campbell.
Sarah 3, b. Dec. 31, 1703 ; m. Joseph Manning.
Anna3, b. May 20, 1706; m. Hendrick Sleight.
Nathan 3, b. Aug. 16, 1708 ; d. 1733, unmarried.
Richard3, b. Feb. 14, 1711-2.
Peter3, b. May 2, 1713. (Probably the man
dying in 1740 at Piscataway. Wife Sarah
administratrix. )
Catherine3, b. Jan. 24, 1715-6.
Joshua3, b. Nov. 18, 17 18.
Jonas3, b. April 18, 1721.
Amos3, b. July 16, 1723.
Joseph3, b. Aug. 15, 1726.
DANIEL2 (William1)
Married, L,
31, 1704, Patience,
daughter of John and Dorothy Martin, of Pis-
cataway. (John ' Martin* was one of the four
Piscataway grantees. He came from Dover, in
the valley of the Piscataqua, in what is now New
Hampshire. He was a landholder there in 1648,
served on the grand jury in 1654, and was free-
man in 1666. His £m# wife' s name was Esther
Roberts.) Married, II., August 25, 1724, Lydia
Collier, of Woodbridge. In 1719 he was member
.. ■ ■>
* John Martin, Charles Gilman, Hugh Dunn, and Hopewell Hull
applied for, and received, December 18, 1666, the Piscataway land grant.
of the board of freeholders. As late as 1729 he
is noted as living at Piscataway ; but in 1736,
when he serves as an executor of his brother
Richard's estate, he is said to be a resident of
Somerset County. He is probably the man who
was dismissed from the Piscataway Baptist
Church in 1752, and admitted the same year to
the Morristown Baptist Church, where his death
is recorded in 1761. His age was seventy-nine
years. When we consider the place of residence
of his sons, and the fact that he attended church
at Morristown, it seems beyond doubt that his
Somerset County property was located in Bernard
Township, near Basking Ridge, where, as we
learn from the Elizabethtown Bill in Chancery,
some one of the Suttons had located prior to
February, 1729-30. As late as 1735 this part of
the county was almost unbroken wilderness.
i Anne3, b. Sept. 16, 1705.
2 Zebulon 3, b. Sept. 1, 1707.
3 Zacharias 3, b. Oct. 5, 1709.
4 John3, b. Aug. 10, 1713.
5 Dorothy3, b. May 1, 17 17.
6 Patience3, b. May 23, 1719; m., about 1752,
Jonathan 4 Doty, son of Jonathan 3 Doty.
7 Esther3, b. Aug. 2, 172 1.
Daniel3, b. May 8, 1725. (By second wife
Lydia Collier.)
JOSEPH 3 (Thomas 2, William a )
Of Piscataway. Married, December 25, 1718,
Priscilla Langstafl5. One tablet stands to the
memory of both in St. James' Churchyard, Pis-
cataway, stating that he died March 17, 1762,
aged sixty-nine,*and she died the same year, aged
i Martha4, b. Sept. 3, 17 19.
2 Sarah4, b. Dec. 1, 172 1 ; d. in infancy.
3 Sarah4, b. Feb. 9, 1723.
4 Henry4, b. April 6, 1724; d. Oct. 8, 1806, aged
eighty- two. (A soldier of the Revolution.*)
5 Joseph4, b. Feb. 15, 1728.
6 Jacob4, b. July 3, 1730.
7 Priscilla4, b. April 14, 1735.
SAMUEL3 (Thomas2, William1)
Of Piscataway. Married, about 1725, Martha
* For an inventory of his losses during the war, see page 25.
' ~-
i Sarah4, b. March 12, 1726.
2 Amaziah4, b. Jan. 4, 1728-9.
3 Hannah4, b. Dec. 4, 1730.
THOMAS3 (Thomas2, William1)
Of Piscataway. Married, January 6, 1734-5,
Mary Lewis.
i Nehemiah4, b. Sept. 28, 1735.
MOSES 3 (John 2, William x )
Married, about 1717, Yanick — . (The
name is so written in the record ; it probably
stands for the Dutch " Jannetje.") He removed
from Piscataway to Bedminster Township, Som-
erset County, about 1737, in which year he is
recorded as living in Lamington and selling land
at Piscataway. He seems also to have lived at
Peapack, in Bedminster Township. His eldest
son, John, was appointed administrator of his
estate in 1740 ; so he doubtless died in that year,
aged forty-three.
i John4, b. June 18, 1718.
2 Aaron4, b. March 17, 1718-9.
3 Martha4, b. Feb. 15, 1722.
4 Susanna4, b. May 14, 1723.
5 Hugh4, b. about 1725. | ,
6 Levi4, b. about 1727.
JOHN3 (John2, William1)
Resided in Somerset County. Married Mary
, and probably died in 1761, aged sixty, as
in that year his will was probated. The will is
authority for the names of his children.
i Elizabeth 4.
2 Anna \
3 Lois4, b. ; m. Thomas, son of Richard
4 Mary4, b. ; m. Elijah, son of Richard
Smith. (She was not of age in 1758, the
date of the will.)
5 Jeremiah 4.
6 Abner4, b. ; dosocuDSil at the «hilx €>f"ftfi»
7 Philip \
* These two Bedminster Township Suttons are assigned to Moses'
family on grounds of probability.
»/ 1 •
H* u*.5 nor ,l«Uet«*e* «t^ «Ute ©f ilte. wi« , wfcicfc
I b*ve *hce iMt. TkAfttW I^.A^rc^ V-*7-
DAVID 3 (John 2, William ■ )
Of Basking Ridge, Bernard Township, Som-
erset County. Died between December 1 and
December 19, 1775, the respective dates of the
drawing and probating of his will. He was then
aged seventy-two years. The will mentions his
wife (without giving her name) and names his
**i Isaac4, b. . (Noted as the eldest; m.
Rachel Doty.)
* 2 David 4.
• 3 John4, b. 1733; m. Ruth Stout; d. about 1813,
aged eighty.
4 Abraham 4.
^5 James4.
6 Moses \
7 Sarah \
8 Elizabeth4, b. . (Her three youngest
daughters were named Marah, Joanna,
and Abigail.)
9 Mary4, b. ; d. 1746. (Had a son David.)
The four brothers — Isaac4, David4, John4, and
James 4 — were all Baptist clergymen and mission-
aries to Tennessee. Isaac4 is the ancestor of the
Suttons of Fayette County, Pa. James4 settled
in Kentucky. John 4 also settled in Kentucky, at
Ua ~E+*r*i, h*\^t {*r *■ ***m, «»r ***** °f /
tktWitt T.txrAniolj^ , <«>*• ^*^e l«J {tribe
/, *.
Harrodsburgh, and left a numerous posterity.
As an early advocate of emancipation, and as a
successful worker in a large and difficult field, lie
lias earned for himself an honorable place in the
history of his adopted State. He was educated at
Hopewell, N. J., ordained at Scotch Plains in
1763, and began his work as a missionary to Nova
Scotia. Previous to his final removal to Kentucky,
he had charges at Newport, R. I., Salem and Cape
May, N. J., and Welsh Tract, Del.; and at other
times he labored in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and
EPHRAIM3 (John2, William1)
Of Passaic Valley. Lived on " Sutton's Hill."
He doubtless died in 1790, aged seventy-one, for
in that year his will was probated. It mentions
his wife Phoebe and four children.
i James4 Governeur.
2 David \
3 Jesse4.
4 William 4, b. ; m. Lavina, " a Dutch girl."
(After William's death the family removed
to Ohio. The date of removal is perhaps
indicated by the fact that Lavina and her
children — then living in Bernardsville,
Somerset County — sold land in 1801.)
£EBULON3 (Daniel2, William1)
Of Bernard Township, Somerset County, on
February 28, 1746-7, leased of James Alexander
j ■ her of William Alexander, the Lord Stirling
Revolutionary fame) one hundred and thirty
5Ss of land, bordering on the Passaic River and
Fit to John Doty.* The Dotys are an old New
rsey family, and have been associated with
/d have intermarried with the Suttons from the
rliest times. They are descended of Samuel
oty (a son of Edward, the Mayflower Pilgrim),
ho removed from Eastham, on Cape Cod, and
ttled at Piscataway. So many Dotys went to
e neighborhood of Basking Ridge, that (to use
le words of the author of the ' ' Doty Genealogy ' ' )
the town was like a Doty settlement." All of
ebulon Sutton's brothers acquired land, either
•y lease or purchase, of the Alexander estate, a
,ract of some 800 acres, which was a portion of
/the original "Harrison's Purchase," and included
the town of Basking Ridge. Zachariah Sutton f
* John Doty leased 300 acres of the Alexander estate in 1739. The
Alexander property consisting only of some 800 acres, John and Jonathan
Doty and the four Sutton brothers must have occupied most of it. John
Doty, 300 acres; Zeb. Sutton, 130 acres; Zach. Sutton, 100 acres; John
Sutton, 85 acres. Total, 615 acres.
t One of the three brothers of Zebulon Sutton had a son, Zebulon, who
served in the Revolution, afterward removed to Knox County, Ohio, and
died there at a good old age. His pension papers are on file at Washington.
eased, April 26, 1746, 100 acres. Daniel leased a
feract, April 7, 1749, and John, on August 13, 1749,
bought for £96 17 s., Jersey money, 84 87/100
'acres of land. The town of Basking Ridge dates
jfrom about 1720, and is situated, as its name
! implies, upon a sharply rising ground. It lies in
the finest agricultural region of the State, one of
low rolling hills, which Stirling found a suitable
environment for his famous manor, where were
entertained so many of the notables of the Revo-
lution. This disappeared a century or more ago ;
but the region has again, in these modern days,
become noted for its beautiful country-seats.
About and in the old town marched and encamped
the French and Continental armies, and in its
tavern the traitor Lee was captured by English
troopers, and removed from further interference
with the fortunes of the American cause. Zeb-
ulon Sutton, according to his son Uriah, lived at
the town of North Branch. He attended the old
Presbyterian Church at Basking Ridge. He mar-
ried, about 1731, Mary , probably in Pis-
cataway. Her surname was probably Doty,*
sc * Family names, neighborhood, and association, and the intimacy
-j^hown by intermarriage (Patience^ Sutton and Jonathan* Doty) make it
rseem probable that Zebulon Sutton's wife's name was Mary Doty. This
, could not be the case if the date of Jonathan3 Doty's marriage was 1717, as
the author of the "Doty Genealogy" estimates. There is nothing to show
that the marriage did not take place earlier.
?? C.K* .*.
anghter (born about 1713) of Jonathan3 Doty,
bf Piscataway, and Mary, his wife. Jonathan3
3oty* removed to Basking Ridge and leased a
?arm from the Alexander estate (close to the one
soon after occupied by Zebulon Sutton) in 1739.
He was a son of Samuel Doty and Jane Harman,
and a grandson of Edward Doty (the Mayflower
Pilgrim) and Faith Clarke.
I i Patience4, b. May 31, 1732.
2 Jonathan4, b. March 23, 1735.
3 Jeremiah4, b. Oct. 29, 1738.
4 Uriah4, b. July 21, 1741.
5 Peter4, b. about 1743.
6 Mary4, b. Sept. 19, 1744.
7 Joseph4, b. July 9, 1747. —
8 Anna4, b. Dec. 30, 1750.
* Jonathan3 Doty was born 1687-8, and married to Mary about 1712
(author of " Doty Genealogy " estimates 1717); Samuel3 Doty was born 1643,
died 1715, married, November 15, 1678, Jane Harman of Piscataway. Edward*
l' Doty came on the Mayflower, 1620, died August 23, 1655, married, January 6,
' 634-5, Faith (born 1619), daughter of Faith and Thurston Clarke. Thurston
larke came to Plymouth in 1634, having sailed April 30th of that year from
fpswich in Suffolkshire on the ship Francis.
f The Bible which contained the original of Zebulon3 Sutton's family
record has long been lost. A transcript of the latter was made by his grand-
son, Shadrachs Sutton (son of Joseph*) some seventy or eighty years ago.
This is now in possession of Shadrach's niece, Mrs. Nancy C Sutton Axtell,
of Minneapolis, Minn., and is the present writer's authority. It does not
contain the name of Peter*. Reasons for adding Peter's name will be
discussed in connection with his family.
)NATHAN4 (Zebulon3, Daniel2, William1)
Lived in Bedminster Township, Somerset
)unty, where he paid, in 1787, taxes on one hun-
ted and fifty acres of land, amounting to £2, 12 s. ,
i. He married, about 1761, Rachel Colyer, who
as born March 12, 1740. He was a member of
re Presbyterian Church at Basking Ridge, and
fter his removal, about 1789-90, to Sparta, in
>ussex County, was an elder in the local Presby-
^rian Church until his death, on February 2,
818, at the age of eighty-three years. His wife,
lachel, died at Sparta, April 12, 1810, aged
eventy years.
Jonathan4 was a Revolutionary soldier,* and,
like his brother Uriah, held a captain's com-
mission. He was always referred to by his im-
mediate descendants as ' ' the captain. ' ' The facts
of his service and losses, the hardships and suf-
fering of his wife and children during his absence
in the field, owing to the ravages of the Hessians,
we have from the statements of his son Jacob
/lied 1852) and Jacob' s wife, Hannah (died 1862),
their grandson, the Rev. J. Ford Sutton, D.D.
* Unfortunately, Jonathan* Sutton's name does not appear in the
f" Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey" (compiled by
Adjutant-General Stryker). The author, however, does not claim that the
" Register " is absolutely complete, since the rolls from which it was compiled
were often very carelessly kept and quite imperfect.
(born 1827). From this authority we learn that
Jonathan4, and his brothers Uriah4 and Joseph4,
were present at the battle of Monmouth, and
bore their testimony to the great suffering of the
troops on account of the intense heat. We are
told how his family would sit up all night to
make cartridges, with windows darkened for fear
of spies, and how the Hessians came and pitched
the sheaves from the stacks of wheat till their
horses waded uup to the belly" in it, and how,
turning the mother and children out of the house,
they plundered it of what they desired, and
destroyed the remainder. How near Captain
Jonathan came to losing the powder that was
in his charge is another incident. He had re-
moved it from its hiding-place under a stack of
buckwheat straw only the night before a squad of
cavalry came in search of it. They tore the stack
to pieces, and were much exasperated to find only
the place where it had lain.
i Zebulon5, b. Feb. 1, 1762.
2 Mary 5, b. ; never married.
3 Sarah 5, b. ; never married.
4 Hannah 5, b. ; m. Jos. Miller. (No issue.)
5 Rebecca3, b. ; m. Cornelius Wiesner.
6 Jacob5, b. Oct. 12, 1773.
The following account of the losses in the
Revolution of Henry 4 Sutton (Joseph 3, Thomas %
William1) may be of interest. Henry4 was a
private of N. J. State Troops, and one of the
Middlesex County " Committee of Observation:"
*" Inventory of Sundries taken and destroyed by the
and their Adherents, the property of Henry Sutton,
cataway, Middlesex County :
& in 1777.
"To 6554 Rails in fence, midling good
2100 Stakes " " "
5 Tons of fresh Hay ....
6 do. of Salt Hay @ home
3 do. of do. in the Meadows .
4c Bushels Wheat & 20 do. of Rye in
1 Yoke of Oxen, midling large .
1 Year old Bull 25/. 20 Sheep ,£10. .
50 lb. Flax in the rough
9 acres of Wheat in the Ground .
Timber cut & destroyed to the
amount of ....
2770 Rails & 900 Stakes at the place
that was Capt. LangstafF s .
1 Barn Burnt on place ,£30. House on
do. place destroyed by 3 floors
taken out, the Boards taken off,
the chimney & walls down, £2$. .
20 Fruit Trees
of Pis-
49. 0.0
9. 0.0
3. 0.0
15. 0.0
n. 5.0
7. 0.0
23. 0.0
55. 0.0
3. 0.0
"Henry Sutton being sworn saith that the above Inventory
is just and true. And that he was knowing to Sundry of the
* From Original MSS., Vol. No. 172. State Library at Trenton, N. J.
said Articles being taken by the British Troops, and that he
had Sufficient reason to believe the said Troops took all the
remainder of the said Articles. And that he had not received
any satisfaction for any one thing therein contained.
" Sworn before me Jos. Olden }■ Henry Sutton.
" Thomas Holtom being Sworn Saith that he was called to
View the damages done to the building that Henry Sutton pur-
chas'd of Capt. Henry Langstaff, being done by the British
Troops, &, having considered of the same, do adjudge the said
damages to the amount of ^55. 0.0.
" Sworn before me Jos. Olden }■ Thomas Holtom."
ZEBULON5 (Jonathan4, Zebulon3, Daniel2, Wil-
liam l )
Married, March 2, 1786, Mary, born August 30,
1768, daughter of Edward and Martha Lewis.
He died July 1, 1826, at Newfoundland, N. J.,
and was buried there. His wife, Mary, removed
to Pennsylvania, and died April 7, 1856. He was
an elder of the Presbyterian Church, and a
soldier of the Revolution (see Stryker' s ' ' Officers
and Men of New Jersey," page 776). His de-
scendants, by the line of his eldest son Nathan,
live at Gardner, Grundy County, HI.
i Martha6, b. June 22, 1787 ; m. Henry Brasted.
2 Nathan6, b. April 12, 1789; m. Martha Beards-
ley, and died in Illinois, March 30, 1879.
3 Lewis6, b. July 12, 1791 ; m. Jane Ketcham,
and died 1867.
4 Mark6, b. Aug. 17, 1802.
MARK6 (Zebulon5, Jonathan4, Zebulon 3, Daniel2,
William " )
Married, December 6, 1826, Lydia Young,
born August 4, 1803. His descendants live at
Muncy, Lycoming County, Pa.
i Zebulon 7 B., b. Oct. 4, 1827 ; d. Dec. 12, 1890.
2 Mary7 E., b. Jan. 30, 1830; m., Oct. 5, 1858,
Samuel Sprout.
3 Sarah7 M., b. May 5, 1832 ; m., April 20, 1856,
Stephen F. Edsell.
4 Martha7 L., b. Feb. 22, 1835.
5 Susan7 A., b. May 18, 1837; d. July 15, 1837.
6 Lavinia7 G., b. Aug. 2, 1839; m., May 7, 1864,
Allan Welch, and d. Dec. 26, 1890.
7 James7 E., b. April 8, 1843; d. March 26, 1853.
JACOB 5 (Jonathan \ Zebulon 3, Daniel 2, William ■ )
Lived in Hardy ston Township, Sussex County,
N. J. Married, March 18, 1797, Hannah Rorick
— born April 21, 1777. (She was daughter of
Michael Rorick, born in Bergen County, April 10,
1749, died at Franklin Furnace, Sussex County,
October 28, 1832 ; and Lucretia Hardin, born in
Massachusetts, February 21, 1752, died at Franklin
Furnace, September 12, 1834 : they were married
in 1774. The name Rorick was originally spelled
Rohrig, and is probably of Palatine German
origin.) Jacob Sutton died December 27, 1852,
aged seventy-nine ; his wife died March 27, 1862,
aged eighty-five.
i Michael6 Rorick, b. Nov. 16, 1797.
2 Rebecca6, b. Dec. 7, 1799; m. Samuel Bedell.
3 Lewis6, b, Jan. 6, 1802.
4 Jacob6, b. Nov. 5, 1804.
5 Jonathan6, b. Dec. 24, 1807.
6 John6 Rorick, b. Nov. 13, 1810.
7 Catharine6,* b. Aug. 9, 1813 ; m. Wm. Van
8 William6 Inglis, b. June 23, 1817.
MICHAEL6 RORICK (Jacob5, Jonathan4, Zebu-
Ion3, Daniel2, William1)
Lived in Hardyston Township, Sussex County,
N. J., near Franklin Furnace. Married, March
29, 1822, Elizabeth Forrester, born January 23,
* She died April 19, 1891, survived by six children. One of these, Captain
Lewis Van Blarcom, is a leading lawyer of Sussex County. He married,
August 17, 1871, Mary, daughter of Dr. Alexander H. Thompson, and has
children, Katharine and Andrew.
1799. She was daughter of Peter Forrester (son t
of an Englishman, John Forrester, and Anna Tfam Bffi S CnKKtCK
BiiiidTiijT/a^omciiBi^i^^ and Katharine ttJiLtflil ScrffeU
Pietersen (daughter of Daniel Pietersen, a man of » ^ ^^ ~
Dutch ancestry, and Eva Hardt*). Michael R.
Sutton died January 6, 1881, aged eighty-four,
in Romeo, Mich., whither he removed in 1856.
His wife died in Romeo, January 6, 1865, aged
i Hannah7, b. Aug. 12, 1823; m. Joseph Ayres.
2 Lucy7, b. Jan. 7, 1825; m. Manuel Sibbet.
3 Joseph Ford7, b. July 15, 1827.
4 Katharine7, b. May 30, 1829; d. 1884, unmarried.
5 Elias Fairchild7, b. June 25, 1831. o
/ ^ Matilda Fairchild7, b. Dec. 30, 1831 ; m. Wm.
L. Barclay.
/ j Amos Munson 7, b. Jan. 15, 1835 ; m. Joanna
Bates ; d. March 24, 1884.
* The father of Eva Hardt, who married Daniel Pietersen, was a well-to-
do German of the Rhenish Palatinate. He fled from the civil and religious
disturbances of his native state to America about 1735, accompanied by his
wife, his daughter Eva, and four other children. He had paid passage for all
in full ; but, when he died at sea, the captain of the vessel not only seized the
entire effects of the widow (including some valuable old silver), but, on reach-
ing port, sold her and her children as redemptioners. Such abuses were only
too common in those days. A reminiscence of Eva Hardt's old home on the
Rhine is perhaps not unworthy of notice, as showing how slight a tradition
may survive the lapse of nearly two centuries. Her father owned a vineyard,
and in the time of the vintage she and other children, standing at upper win-
dows of opposite houses, would fill their mouths with the sweet must, and try
which could spurt it farthest into the street below. It may be imagined that,
in thrifty German households, this did not occur very often.
JOSEPH7 FORD (Michael6, Jacob6, Jonathan4,
Zebulon 3, Daniel 2, William » )
Resides in New York City. A. B., Rutgers
College, 1852, A. M., 1855; Union Theological
Seminary, 1857, and ordained minister of the
Presbyterian Church the same year; D. D., Marys-
ville College, 1883 ; chaplain 102d Regiment New
York Volunteer Infantry, 1862; general agent
United States Christian Commission, Department
of the Gfulf, 1863. Fellow of the American Geo-
graphical Society. Married, I. , Eliza Storrs, April
12, 1859, daughter of Horace Holden, Esq., of
New York City, and Mary Cotton. She was born
December 23, 1829 ; died August 6, 1860. Mar-
ried, II., Katharine Judson Holden, daughter of
Horace Holden, Esq., and Katharine Plant Judson,
April 10, 1866. She was born April 26, 1838 ;
died December 30, 1898.
i Horace8 Holden, b. July 6, 1867 ; d. Nov. 13,
2 Joseph 8 Holden, b. Oct. 23, 1869. (A. B., Prince-
ton, 1890, A. M., 1893; LL. B., New York
Law School, 1893.) fciftt'^.
3 Daniel8 Judson, b. May 17, 1872; d. Nov. 30,
a. lyx
4 Edward8 Forrester Holden, b. Feb. 15, 1874.
(A. B., Princeton, 1895; M. D., Columbia,
5 Frederick8 Judson Holden, b. June 3, 1876.
(A. B., Princeton, 1898.)
ELIAS7 FAIRCHILD (Michael', Jacob5, Jona-
than 4, Zebulon 3, Daniel 2, William " )
Resides at Lake Linden, Mich. Married, Sep-
tember 5, 1865, Mary, b. Jnne 7, 1843, daughter
of William Harris and Elizabeth Tregoning, of
Lake Linden.
i Elizabeth8, b. June 24, 1868.
2 Walter8 Harris, b. June 18, 1885.
JONATHAN6 (Jacob5, Jonathan4, Zebulon3, Dan-
iel2, William a )
Removed to Oakland Connty, Mich. , and there
died, December 5, 1874. Married Delilah Pred-
more, born in Sussex County, N. J., February 21,
1815, and died at Romeo, Mich., April 3, 1893.
i Joshua7 P., b. June 27, 1837.
2 Jemima7 R., b. Dec. 13, 1840; m., 1856, Joel W.
3 Amzy7 R., b. April 23, 1842.
4 Joseph7 D., b. April 26, 1845.
5 Hannah 7 M., b. March 20, 1846; d. Sept. 18, 1864.
6 Adelia7 C, b. Jan. 22, 1849; d. Sept. 3, 1865.
7 Edward7 M., b. May 30, 1850; d. Jan. 1, 1893.
8 Drusilla7 D., b. Aug. 8, 185 1; m., 1867, Daniel
W. Bennett.
9 Elmer7 B., b. March 20, 1853.
JOSHUA7 PREDMORE (Jonathan6, Jacob5, Jona-
than 4, Zebnlon 3, Daniel 2, William J )
Married, April 25, 1863, Mary E. Shadbolt, of
Orion, Mich.; she was born April 10, 1840. He
resides at Kansas City, Mo.
i Linton8 Beach, b. Sept. 17, 1865.
2 Archie8 L., b. Feb. 15, 1868; d. Jan. 6, 1871.
3 Bessie8, b. Nov. 13, 1869; m., Oct. 12, 1893,
Luther C. Slavens, Jr., of Kansas City.
JOSEPH7 DUNLAP (Jonathan6, Jacob5, Jonathan4,
Zebulon 3, Daniel 2, William a )
Resides in Kansas City. Married, April 3,
1883, Eliza Grist Ferguson, born at St. Louis, June
15, 1861.
i Edwin8 Arnold, b. Jan. 18, 1884.
2 Josephine 8, b. June 15, 1890.
AMZY7 R. (Jonathan6, Jacob5, Jonathan4, Zebulon3,
Daniel 2, William J )
Married, in 1864, Sarah A. Coates, of Oakville,
i Gertrude8 E., b. March 20, 1865.
2 Marvil8 C, b. June 23, 1867.
ELMER7 BEACH (Jonathan6, Jacob5, Jonathan4,
Zebulon 3, Daniel 2, William » )
A prominent lawyer of Sanlt Ste. Marie, Mich.
Married Anna A. Scranton, of Sault Ste. Marie,
born December 24, 1863.
LEWIS6 (Jacob5, Jonathan4, Zebulon,3 Daniel*,
Married, November 8, 1823, Elizabeth Losey,
born March 12, 1804. He removed to Clarkston,
Mich., and there died, July 27, 1852. His wife
died August 5, 1898.
i Harriet 7 F., b. Oct. 6, 1824; m. Samuel Groover,
March 22, 1842.
2 Cornelius7 L., b. Dec. 26, 1827; m. Elizabeth
Brower, June 11, 1850.
3 Abigail7 M., b. July 22, 1829 ; m. Ebenezer T.
Beardslee, May 15, 185 1.
4 Susan T T., b. May 2, 1836; m. Charles Beardslee,
June 11, 1856.
5 Marion 7 L., b. Dec. 24, 1838; m. Ada Palmer.
6 Delphina7 M., b. Feb. 11, 1845; m. Isaac H.
Lawrence, Jan. 1, 1866.
JACOB6 (Jacob5, Jonathan4, Zebulon3, Daniel3,
William " )
Married, December 4, 1825, Teresa Cox, who
was born January 3, 1810, and died May 22, 1891.
He died March 26, 1891. He resided in Sussex
County, N". J.
i Reuben7 R., b. Oct. 7, 1826; d. July 2, 1894;
m. Elizabeth Fox.
2 Martin7 C, b. July 7, 1829; m. Mary Bray.
3 Esther7 C, b. Dec. 23, 1832 ; d. Aug. 20, i860 ;
m. Henry Fox.
4 Lemuel7 F., b. April 30, 1833; d. Feb. 19, 1897;
m. Eleanor Westfall.
5 Emily7, b. Aug. 26, 1835; d. June 12, 1870.
6 John 7 H., b. Oct. 23, 1838; m., Jan. 2, 1872, Mary
7 George7 M., b. Oct. 24, 1840; m. Harriet Mack-
8 Dayton 7 C, b. Jan. 10, 1843; m. Abigail Farber.
9 Teresa7 M., b. March 24, 1845; m. Rev. A. J.
10 Georgiana7 L., b. Aug. 12, 1857; m. John C.
JOHN6 RORICK (Jacob5, Jonathan4, Zebulon3,
Daniel 2, William " )
Married, in 1836, Jemima Stoll. He removed
to Racine, Wis., and died there, November 24,
i Lewis7 H., b. Aug. 28, 1837.
2 Delphina7, b. Dec. 28, 1839.
3 George7 B., b. Feb. 24, 1842.
4 John7 R., b. Feb. 5, 1844.
5 Theodore7 D., b. March 24, 1846.
6 Estella7, b. Aug. 19, 1847.
WILLIAM6 INGLIS (Jacob5, Jonathan4, Zebulon3,
Daniel 2, William ■ )
Married, February 4, 1840, Mary Stoll. He
removed to Clarkston, Mich., and died there,
March 11, 1897. His wife died November 22,
i Jacob 7 R.
2 Abram 7.
3 William 7 H.
4 Anna7 M.
5 George 7 Edward.
6 Franklin 7 Pierce.
7 Amos7 H.
8 Sarah 7 E.
9 Joseph 7 F.
URIAH 4 (Zebulon 3, Daniel 2, William x )
Lived at Kimballs Mountain, in Somerset
County, N. J., and attended the Presbyterian
Church at Basking Ridge. * He was a captain of
]N"ew Jersey State Troops (see Stryker' s ' ' Officers
and Men of New Jersey," page 413), and there is
record of his presence at the battles of Mon-
mouth, Watsessing, and Connecticut Farms. His
granddaughter, Mrs. Ruth Howell, states that,
when the Continental Army lay at Morristown,
Washington often dined at his house. A large
dog used to follow the general about, and on its
back Uriah's little son Stephen (Mrs. Howell's
father) was often allowed to ride. Uriah Sutton
married, about 1772, Elizabeth Bockover, born
November 26, 1751, and died November 13, 1815.
Uriah attained the great age of ninety- eight years,
dying in 1839, at the home of his son Stephen in
Bound Brook, N. J. He was blind for nearly
thirty years before his death.
i Stephen 5, b. Feb. 2, 1775.
* Prior to 1800 the following Suttons are recorded as pew-holders in the
trustee-book of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church (records antedating
1770, it should be said, were destroyed by tire): Zachariah, pew 20 ; year, 1770.
Jeremiah, pew 70 ; year, 1770. Peter, pew 71 ; year, 1770. Uriah, pew 72 ;
year, 1770. Jonathan, pew 55 ; year, 1770. Zebulon, pew 72 ; year 1783. John,
pew 40 ; year, 1795.
2 Peter 5, b. (named for his paternal
uncle); d. unmarried.
3 Polly 5, b. ; m. Johnson.
4 Phoebe 5, b. [probably named for her
(paternal) uncle Peter's wife] ; m. Norris.
5 Ann5, b. Aug. 9, 1778 ; m. Barnabas Doty.
6 Katharine 5.
7 Gertrude 5, b. ; m. Brush.
STEPHEN5 (Uriah4, Zebulon3, Daniel2, William1)
Lived first at Liberty Corner, Bernard Town-
ship, Somerset County, N. J., afterwards at
Bound Brook, and died March 9, 1846. Married,
I., about 1798, Sarah Bedell, born March 31, 1781 ;
d. January 21, 1807. Married, II. , about 1808,
Abigail Martin, born May 31, 1786 (born Comp-
i Katharine6, b. July 30, 1800; d. Oct. 15, 1822;
m. Abner P. Howell.
2 Letitia6, b. Aug. 31, 1801.
3 Ruth6, b. Oct. 29, 1802; m., I., Elbert Baldwin
of Newark; m., II., Abner P. Howell, of
Newark. (She was living in 1895.)
4 Eliza 6, b. Feb. 4, 1804.
5 Uriah6, b. Jan. 12, 1806.
By the second wife, the following, all of whom
removed to the vicinity of Springfield, 111. :
6 Sarah6, b. Jan. 10, 1809.
7 Abner6 M., b. March 19, 1810; d. at Spring-
field, 111.
8 Abigail6, b. Feb. 15, 1812.
9 Stephen 6, b. Jan. 17, 1815; d. at Jacksonville, 111.
10 Gawin6 A., b. April 8, 1816. (Note that this
name occurs in the family of Peter4
Sutton, brother of Uriah 4.)
11 Phcebe6, b. May 20, 1818.
12 Caroline 6, b. Nov. 17, 1819; d. in infancy.
13 Joseph6, b. Feb. 22, 1823.
14 Caroline 6, b. July 13, 1826.
15 Mary6 Louisa, b. Nov. 13, 1828; m. Dr. Sturges,
of Macon, 111., where she lives.
PETER 4 * (Zebulon 3, Daniel 2, William ' )
Lived at Basking Ridge, and attended the
* The following are the reasons for adding Peter* Sutton's name to the
family record of Zebulon^ Sutton (Daniel2, William i). {Vide sufira:)
I. Statement by Uriah* Sutton's grandson, Daniel Doty, who was
living, at the age of nearly ninety years, at Liberty Corner, N. J., in 1897, and
who knew his grandfather well for thirty years before his death : that Uriah*
had a favorite brother Peter, of whom he often spoke, and for whom he
(Uriah) named his second son,
II. Statement by aged descendants of Peter Sutton in Indiana County,
Pa.: that he had a great fondness for the name Uriah, and that he treated the
grandchild to whom he gave this name with particular affection.
III. Statement of an aged descendant of Peter Sutton in Indiana
County, Pa.: that Mary, Peter's daughter, named a son Jonathan for her
father's brother.
IV. The facts that similar accounts of Peter Sutton's escape from the
Indians were current among both Peter's descendants in Indiana County
Pa., and Uriah's in New Jersey, though the two families had been separated
for a hundred years, and had no knowledge of their kinship.
V. From the occurrence of the unusual name Gawin among both Uriah's
and Peter's descendants.
(Uas^z,c^ r^cn^Ul/-, Z-ptr./jrfi-M ^^w'-. &L
7 /?.</.
Presbyterian Church there. He was a soldier of
the Revolution (see Stry ker' s k ' Officers and Men
of New Jersey," page 776). He married, about
1768, Phoebe Kinnan. In 1796 he removed from
Basking Ridge, and in June of that year bought
a farm in that part of Westmoreland County, Pa. ,
which is now Indiana County. Subsequently he
sold the farm and established an inn on the road
from Kitanning, east (which was afterwards the
Philadelphia turnpike), and on the spot where
the town of Indiana now stands. Among his
descendants are numbered some of the most
influential residents of the county, in times past
and present. His will was probated April 29-30,
1829 ; so he doubtless died that year, aged about
eighty-six. A tradition, current among Suttons
both in Indiana County and in New Jersey, states
that Peter Sutton was, in his younger days, cap-
tured by a band of Indians, to whom he had made
himself obnoxious. At nightfall a huge fire was
lighted, and a council assembled about it, to
determine what should be done with him. Sup-
posing that he did not understand their language,
they discussed freely the tortures to be inflicted.
Some suggested flaying alive, others burning at
the stake, and so on. They had not taken the
precaution to bind their captive, and he, at an
opportune moment, seized a young Indian who
chanced to be near, pitched him into the fire, and
ran for his life. The diversion thus created gave
him a little start, and reaching a stream which was
crossed by means of a big log, he plunged in and
hid himself under it. When his pursuers had
passed over it, he made good his escape.
i Gawin 5, b. — . (Note that this name oc-
curs among the children of Stephen, son
of Uriah4, Peter's4 brother.)
2 Malachia 6.
3 Mary 5, b. ; m. Sylvanus Ayres.
4 Thomas5, b. March 5, 1784.
5 Phoebe 5.
6 Peter 5, b. . (Had a son Uriah, who died
in infancy.)
THOMAS 5 (Peter 4, Zebulon 3, Daniel 2, William J )
Lived at Indiana, Pa. Married, April 1,1
1809, Rebecca Loughrey, born December 8, 1787.
He died in 1833, aged forty-nine.
i Rebecca 6, b. Jan. 8, 1810.
2 Phcebe6, b. April 7, 181 1.
3 James6, b. April 23, 1812.
4 John6, b. May 20, 1814; m., in 1847, Mary A.
Walker; d. June 9, 1877.
5 Thomas6, b. Dec. 31, 1815.
6 Mary6, b. Oct. 29, 1817.
7 William6, b. Aug. 2, 18 19.
8 Peter6, b. July 24, 1822.
9 Margaret6, b. Aug. 21, 1825.
10 Robert6, b. April 10, 1828. (A Presbyterian
clergyman of Cincinnati.)
11 David6, b. , 1830; d. in infancy.
JAMES6 (Thomas5, Peter4, Zebulon3, Daniel2,
William ' )
Married, September 3, 1840, Sarah Stansbury,*
born May 27, 1816 ; died March, 1899. He died
September 10, 1870. He resided at Indiana, Pa.
i Rhodes7 Stansbury, b. July 8, 1841.
2 Elizabeth7, b. Sept. 19, 1843.
3 Thomas7, b. Oct. 14, 1845; m. Mary L. Ander-
son. (Lives in Russell, Kan.)
4 Clara7 R., b. April 6, 1847.
5 William7 B., b. Feb. 12, 1849; m. Agnes Black,
1869. (Lives in Russell, Kan.)
6 James7, b. Sept. 9, 1851; d. July 1, 1852.
7 John7 A., b. June 6, 1853.
* Her grandfather was the first surveyor-general of the State of
Delaware, and for some time was partner in business with Robert Morris,
of Revolutionary fame.
8 Rebecca7, b. July 20, 1855; d. March 8, 1856.
9 Arthur7 D., b. Dec. 4, 1857; m. Katharine
Johnston. (Lives in Beaver Co., Pa.)
10 Helen7 S., b. July 14, i860; m. Wm. J. Moore,
M. D., of Westfield, N. Y.
RHODES7 STANSBURY (James6, Thomas5,
Peter 4, Zebulon 3, Daniel 2, William x )
A leading surgeon of Pittsburgh, Pa. A. B.,
Washington and Jefferson College, 1862; A. M.,
1865 ; attached to Medical Department of Union
Army, 1863-4 ; M. D., University of Pennsylvania,
1865; LL. D., Wooster University, 1886; gynae-
cologist to the Allegheny General Hospital at
Pittsburgh, and surgeon of the Terrace Bank
Sanatorium of Allegheny. He married, April 17,
1867, Josephine, daughter of the Hon. James
McCullough, of Canonsburgh, Pa.
i Stansbury8, b. Nov. 15, 1869.
2 Eliza8 McCullough, b. June 23, 187 1; m. A.
Hartupee McKee, of Pittsburgh.
JOHN7 A. (James6, Thomas5, Peter4, Zebulon3,
Daniel 2, William ■ )
Married, September 9, 1875, Anne Gfilchrist
Woods, who was born in Allegheny County, Pa. ,
June 27, 1853. He resides in Pittsburgh, Pa.
i Edna 8 Woods, b. April n, 1877.
2 Robert 8 Woods, b. May 7, 1879.
3 William8 Stansbury, b. Oct. 25, 1880.
4 John8 Blair, b. Sept. 21, 1882.
5 Donald8, b. Aug. 17, 1884.
6 Clinton8 Irving, b. Aug. 21, 1889.
JOSEPH4 (Zebulon3, Daniel2, William1)
Noted by Stryker (" Officers and Men of New
Jersey," page 471) as sergeant of militia. There
is record of his serving during Washington's
retreat through New Jersey in 1776, at the battle
of Monmouth, at Springfield, at Connecticut
Farms, and when the Pennsylvania line revolted
in 1781. He lived in Mendham Township, Morris
County, N. J., near Basking Ridge in Somerset.
His farm is still in possession of his descendants.
He married, April 14, 1778, Martha Pierson. He
died November 8, 1822.
i Uriah 5, b. March 27, 1779.
2 Shadrach 5, b. March 25, 1781.
3 Rebecca5, b. June 2, 1783.
4 Jonathan5, b. Feb 18, 1787.
5 Elizabeth5, b. June 19, 1789.
6 Martha5 S., b. Sept. 27, 1792.
7 James5, b. July 4, 1796.
8 Joseph 5 P., b. Nov. 9, 1798.
JOSEPH 5 PIERSON (Joseph 4, Zebulon 3, Daniel \
William a )
Lived at the old homestead in Mendham Town-
ship. Married, November 13, 1821, Persis Horton.
i Nancy6 C, b. Aug. 21, 1824; m. Stephen D.
Axtelle, and lives in Minneapolis, Minn.
2 Sarah6 Stewart, b. Oct. 14, 1827.
3 Caroline6 Wells, b. March 4, 1832; m. Babbitt.
4 Daniel6 Stewart, b. Jan. 19, 1835.
5 Henry6 Horton, b. Feb. 15, 1838. (Lives at
the old homestead.)
6 John6 Stewart, b. Sept. 12, 1841.
7 Charles6 Albert, b. June 17, 1843.
i. Piscataway Records of Birth, Marriage, and
Death, Transcribed by W. A. Whitehead, the
historian, and now in the archives of the
N. J. Historical Society at Newark.
2. Piscataway Town Book, at Piscataway.
3. Proprietary Records, Perth Amboy.
4. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary of New Eng-
5. Elizabethtown Bill in Chancery.
6. Vital Records of Rehoboth. James N. Arnold.
7. MS. Copy of Woodbridge Records. New York
Genealogical Society.
8. Woodbridge and Vicinity. Rev. Joseph Dally.
9. Records of the Estate of James Alexander of
New Jersey, in the archives of the N. J.
Historical Society.
10. Trustee Book of Basking Ridge Presbyterian
11. Winsor's History of Duxbury, Mass.
12. Dean's History of Scituate, Mass.
13. Contributions to East Jersey History. W. A.
14. History of Middlesex County, N. J. Woodford
15. Records of First Baptist Church at Morristown,
16. MSS., Family Records, and Pedigrees in private
17. Records in Pension Office at Washington.
18. Doty Genealogy.
19. Records in State Library at Trenton, N. J.
20. Passaic Valley Genealogies. John Littell.
21. Early Germans of New Jersey. Rev. T. F.
22. Gravestones at Piscataway.
The following family belongs probably among
the descendants of John 2 Sutton, as the similarity
of locality and of names suggests. See family H *- £||»$
of John3 Sutton (John2, William1), and note, J I
Probably 4th generation.
Born May 8, 1741, near Basking Ridge, in
Bernard Township, Somerset County, IN". J. He
married, May 31, 1768, Mary Davison, born
May 12, 1742. He died February 26, 1795. He
was a Baptist minister.
i Sarah5, b. April n, 1769; d. Nov. 30, 1812.
2 A son5, b. Dec. 25, 1770; d. Jan. 27, 1771.
3 David5, b. about 177 1; d. May 14, 1852.
4 George 5, b. Jan. 8, 1773 ; d. .
5 Jeremiah5, b. Aug. 8, 1774 ; d. May 8, 1848.
6 John5, b. Feb. 25, 1776; d. May 15, 1779.
7 Rozanna5, b. Nov. 15, 1780; d. April 28, 181 1.
8 John5, b. Sept. 3, 1783 ; d. Oct. 31, 1806.
GEORGE 5 ( Abner 4, 3, John 2, William » )
Married, November 23, 1805, Rebecca Conklin.
i David6 Conklin, b. Aug. 27, 1806.
2 Ann Maria6, b. April 17, 1808.
3 Eliza6, b. Feb. 1, 1810.
4 John6 Conklin, b. Jan. 12, 1811.
4 |
By the Author
Edward F. H* Sutton
No birth record of WILLIAM SUTTON
of East ham has ever been found * but recent
researches (193^-35)" a^d rather those of
Mr* William A, Wfaitcomb, of Boston, than
the writer's own — have developed presump-
tive evidence that he was a son of GEORGE
SUTTOH of Soituato* On the other hand
there is nothing at all to indicate that
WILLIAM oould have been a son of JOHN SUTTON
of Hlngham, regarding whom the faets are as
!• JOHN SUTTON of Attleborough in
Norfolk came in the ship Diligent in l638
with a wife and four children, and settled
at Hingham, Massachusetts Colony* His
wife's name was JULIEN, or JULIENNE; since
he is called "Senior", one of the children
was certainly a son JOHN, and it is a fair
inference that the following were his daughters*
HANNAH, died in Hingham, October, 1642.
ESTHER, married in Rehoboth l6d6«
ANNE, married in Rehoboth l6^1*
MARGARET, married in Rehoboth l655* and
presumably born in New England, since there
were but four ohildren in the Immigrant
JOHN SUTTON, SENIOR, removed l643~l644
to the distant Inland town of Rehoboth, where
he spent the rest of his life and died June 1,
l670v His wife JUilANNa was buried at Rehoboth
June 4, l67d«
JOHN (2) SUTTON, the only discoverable
son of JOHN (l) apparently first resided at
Hlnghem. He removed to Seituate in Plymouth
Colony and while resident there on Deoember 2,
1653 sold the lands "which the town of Bingham
gave to JOHN SUTTON, my father. " He is re-
peatedly mentioned in the Seituate records >
married there Elizabeth House, had a numerous
family and died there I69I; his will of date
November 12 stating him to be "aged 70 °r
thereabouts." This dates his birth 1620-21,
necessarily in England, and fixes his identity
as the son of JOHN (l) (Mayflower Descendant.
Vol. 31, 1933)* Yet this is the man whom
Deane9s History of Soituate and Savage's
Genealogical Dictionary (oopying Deane) call
son of GEORGE SUTTON 4 This is not the only
error that Deane makes about the Sutton line
as is shown by comparison with the Mayflower
Descendant. Vols. 10 and 13*
JOHN (2) SUTTON of the Hingham line,
is anoestor of all the SUTTONS of Soituate.
The name survived in the town until the seoond
quarter of the 19th century. GEORGE SUTTON
of Soituate, on the other hand, left no de-
scendants there, as will presently be shown.
II. GBOSGB SUTTON sailed l63* on
the ship Heroules of Sandwich, Kent, as a
•errant in the party of Nathaniel Tilden,
of Tenterdon, in the same county. The
poorer Puritans often worked their passage
in this way with wealthier relet ires or
friends; at all events, within two years of
the party's establishment at Soltuate
GEORGE married Nathaniel's daughter, Sarah
Tilden. Nathaniel Tilden, it may be mention'
ed, though a merehant, was of aristoeratio
connections, and descended of a very ancient
Kentish family. His departure for New
England was thought worthy of note in
a History of Sandwioh published in 1792.
k pedigree compiled in Elizabethan times
by the famous antiquary, Camden, is still
in possession of English representatives
of the name, traoing their descent from
Sir William Tylden de Sittenbourne and
Gongleton, Cheshire, "who fought in ye Van
of ye English Armle commanded by Lord Audley
under ye Black Prince at ye Battle of
Polotiers Anno 1356." In New England
Nathaniel Tilden, styled "Gentleman",
was at once aocorded the position due to
his social status, education and comparative
wealth. He was an elder of the church
and held Important off iocs of trust.
On this same voyage of the Heroules
in 1634 oame SIMON SUTTON as a servant in
the party of William (l) Hatch. He is
evidently nearly akin to GEORGE SUTTON, but
his name disappears from the reoords, and
beyond the fact that ho served as a witness
to the will of Nathaniel Tilden in l6dl,
nothing is known of him* William (l) Hatch
had a son William (2) Hatch, also a passenger
on the Hercules, and the intimate nature of
the friendship between the latter and GEORGE
SUTTON is of particular interest* William
died in Virginia in l657» Before he under-
took that long and dangerous journey he made
his will, and entrusted the keeping of it --
not to his own brother-in-law, Lieutenant
James Torry, the Town Clerk, but to GEORGE
SUTTON (Mayflower Descendant*)
Nathaniel Tilden died in 1641, and
the following year his widow Lydia married
Timothy Hatherley, who thus became step-
father-in-law of GEORGE SUTTON* Hatherley
and his lifelong friend, James Cudworth, men
of the very first prominence in Plymouth
Colony, were liberals in principle* When
Plymouth, following the lead of Massachusetts,
enacted penal laws against the Ctuakers, these
two alone, of all the magistrates, entered
a strong protest* They paid for their
temerity by the loss of political post tion
and influence. Cudworth was, indeed, fined
for holding intercourse with Quakers (merely
with the intention of discovering their
tenets) and eventually disfranchised, but he
lived to see the turn of the tide and to be re-
seated as a magistrate* Hatherley died while
still under the ban*
Their courage bore fruit* Their
persona 1 influence was such that the Ply-
mouth penal laws, though similar to those
of Massachusetts were not enforoed with
the Massachusetts rigor* Ho Quaker suffer-
ed death in Plymouth, and Quaker congre-
gations, barely tolerated at first, sprang
up and eventually flourished, particularly
on Cape Cod*
As might hare been expected, one
such developed at Soituate, the home town
of Hat her ley and Cudworth, which eventually
attracted members of some of the best of the
local families, including Cudworthvs own*
But it grew slowly and was not numerous
enough to need a meeting house until 1676*
Ten years before that date, or about the
year l668, GEORGE SUTTON, who had been so
Intimately associated with the disinterested
champions of Quakerism, emigrated with most of
his family to North Carolina*
Anglican Virginia had not been so hard
on the Quakers as Puritan New England* George
Pox found them numerous there when he visited
the Old Dominion in i672. The northern parts
of North Carolina, when opened for settlement
a few years earlier, reoeived Quakers along
with other Virginia immigrants; indeed Banoroft
exaggerates so far as to say that North Carolina
was settled by Quakers t While that is not the
oase, it is that the oomplete religious
freedom of a new and unorganised provinoe was
at tract ire to many settlers, and oertain
it is that after Fox's missionary visit of
1672, the seot grew and flourished amazingly
in North Carolina, so that before the end
of the century a Quaker had been elected
Governor* In no other Colonial Provinoe
excepting Pennsylvania and West Jersey,
were the Quakers so numerous and powerful*
It is fair to conclude that Quaker
faith had as much to do with GEORGE SUTTON'S
removal to North Carolina as with WILLIAM
SUTTON'S to Pisoataway. That GEORGE and
his family were Quakers in their new home,
there is small doubt* One of the earliest
Quaker meeting houses in the Provinoe was
built towards the end of the 17th oentury on
"Sutton's Creek" so called because it marched
with the lands of GEORGE or his sons* JOSEPH,
one of the latter, married Deliveranoe
Nicholson, whose family had suffered per*
secution for Quakerism in New England* GEORGE
settled in that part of the Province that,
after bearing various other names, Is now
Perquimans County and left a numerous posterity*
He died there April 12, 1669 aged about 56*
His wife Sarah Tilden died there March 20, l677
aged 6e* She was born at Tenterden in Kent,
l6l3# and baptised there in St* Mildred's
Churoh, January 13» The two compilers of
this reoord arrange their family as follows,
adding on presumptive evidenoe, the sons
TILDEN, all born in Soituate, Plymouth Colony*
b* about 1637
m* l68- , Delireranoe Nicholson*
d. 1695 Perquim&ns Co*
b. about 1639
m* 1667 *t Chariest own * Mass*
Mary Cole. (Probably daughter
of Isaao Cole of Charlestown*
a passenger on the Heroules
with GEORGE SUTTON and the
Tildens*) Ho had in Charles-
town a son* DANIEL*
d* 172.1 » Burlington* N. J*
b* about 1641*
m* 1666 Damaris Bishop*
d* about 1713» Piseataway* N* J*
4. NATHANIEL b* about l643*
m* l66s in Virginia* Deborah Astine*
d* l6s2, Perquimans Co*
Baptised September 13* 1646*
* December 3* l648* Died
in infancy*
" September 15* 1650.
m. Perquimans Co* 1668
John Barrow.
» August 28# l653# »• Per-
quimans Co* l67d Ralph
Fletoher* d. 1700.
GEORGE SUTTON of Soituate, married 1636, (March 13)
has no ehild reoordod in the New England archives
until l646# and then a succession of daughters*
The compilers of this record undertook to fill
this ten year gap* and sueoeeded ia finding in
the North Carolina archives, the sons NATHANIEL
Now as to WILLIAM and DANIEL.
WILLIAM first appears in 1666 on Cape Cod
at Barnstable, a town which was founded l639""l640
by a mass emigration from Soituate led by the Rev.
John Lothrop. The early relations between the
two towns were, therefore, particularly close.
The earliest ohuroh records of Soituate are still
preserved at Barnstable, whither they were carried
when the latter was founded.
for the love of laughter, it should be
noted that WILLIAM makes his first appearance in
history because of his borrowing — quite un~
authorisedly ~ the Bible from the Barnstable
meeting house. When oaught, he was not frank
about the matter, and so, June 5# l666, he was
hailed to oourt, and fined for purloining the
Bible "one pound, and for telling a lye about
the same, ten shillings." His departure from
the town was probably expedited by these oc-
currence! , and a few weeks later at the neighbor-
ing settlement of Eastham, he took refuge in
matrimony with Damaris Bishop.
WILLIAM SUTTON was a GLuaker. If he was
ft son of GEORGE of Soituate, as we bell ore,
one might suppose he was named for William
Hatoh, his father's most intimate friend,
▲gain one might suppose that the names of
his mother's family, the Tildens, would re-
appear in that of WILLIAM* This is so far
the ease that three of WILLIAM'S children,
THOMAS, MARY and JOSEPH, beftr the names of
their Tilden uneles and aunt. Lastly,
WILLIAM had a son DANIEL, Now the DANIEL
whom we believe to hare been son of GEORGE
of Soituate, and who first appears at
Charleston, with wife MART and son DANIEL
(Charles town being a part of Boston, and
Soituate being located almost on Boston
Harbor) was a Quaker, and left descendants
at Burlington, in the Quaker colony of West
Jersey, some forty miles by the New Tork -
Philadelphia post road from Pi scat away in
East Jersey, where WILLIAM resided* In
1706 it is reeorded that WILLIAM thought
of removing thenoe to Burlington* DANIEL
is mentioned frequently in the Burlington ar-
chives and once in connection with a RICHARD
SUTTON, otherwise unrecorded, who may have
been the RICHARD who was WILLIAM'S son.
Thus, times, plaoes, religions, and
family names oonour so well, that WILLIAM
and DANIEL have been tentatively interpolated
among the children of GEORGE and SARAH
Mayflower Descendant*
Plymouth Colony Records*
Tital Reoords of Rehoboth*
Deane's History of Soituate*
Wins low's History of Perquimans County,
North Carolina*
Arohlres of New Jersey, Abstracts of Wills, etc*
Tilden Genealogy*
?l(KK»r^JAT>Ahi^1itv It^uUm, ^*AjJh
Hew York, H. Y. IV^$